‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

S02E180 The Children in the Camp, Part 14, The Hug

Joy lands on Sandra’s Shroom and calls us over. 

There isn’t a time when Sandra’s name is uttered, that Joy doesn’t make a face or even a noise. But this girl does what’s necessary. She knows there are no doctors in our vicinity, and Sandra is the only medical person we know, even though she’s a Labor Delivery Nurse, and not an expert in bullet wounds. 

But when we look down, the dream is empty of its dreamer. Sandra’s home is still there as well as Charlie’s elevator, both having been made permanent that time that Joy ran away from home. But Sandra isn’t here.

“She’s also in Toronto,” I say. I’ve heard she’s Justin’s neighbor, more or less. “It’s going to be a few hours until she or Justin get here.” 

Joy nods. “We wait. In the tunnel. Just in case she appears obsessed.” 

“Quite wise, Little Pirate.” 

I feel weak. I need my Suzy. Selfishly. Even though she’s going to worry. Though she’s no doubt already worried. We’ve been gone for hours after Justin woke up.

“Master Mind,” I say. “Can you go and bring Suzy? I promise we’ll stay in the tunnel even if she appears. Right, Joy?” 

Joy nods. 

“I will leave you, Little Pirate and Pirate Father, if you promise to do nothing until I return.”

“I promise, Master Mind,” Joy says.

“You are unprotected by a Dreamer or by me. You are weak. You are weaponless.” 

“I promise!” 

“You are exhausted. Pirate Father has been shot and would be useless in a fight even if he was not.” 

“Thank you, Master Mind,” I tell him. I’m insulted, although he’s absolutely right. I can’t imagine how Joy is taking his ruthless honesty. 

“I need your word as a swashbuckler that you will not move from the tunnel.” 

“Master Mind, I already told you! Why aren’t you going?” 

Master Mind’s voice becomes softer. “I was worried to the pit of my metal stomach, Little Pirate. I had thought you dead. I need a hug.”

“Awwww!” Joy runs at him and hugs him. Big metal monster that he is, he hugs her back. 

That is… touching. Even though he is imaginary. But then again so am I. Us dreams, we’re the only thing Joy has. It is the only life she knows. That is… Not touching. That is tragic. 

Master Mind heads out of the tunnel now. “I shall bring Pirate Mother.”

Oh, boy. That’s not going to be pretty. 

(To be continued…)

—Told by Grampa Walt

S02E181 The Children in the Camp, Part 14, The Return of Suzy Shelley

S02E179 The Children in the Camp, Part 13, The Freedom of Death