All tagged The Big Bad Wolf

Dragon Father picked up the sword, this time with calmness and confidence.

Dragon Little was sitting atop the highest branches of the tree, looking down at the clearing. She was five and a half years old and with five and a half years of experience in doing exactly what she wants rather than what her father wants.

The Big Bad Wolf, a giant, black-furred villain that walked on two, stood opposite Dragon Father and smiled, ready for a true and vicious fight this time.

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In the middle of the forest, Dragon Father was sitting in the cell of the Big Bad Wolf, made of powerful tree branches, handing from a high tree.

Above him, hidden by the trees, having snuck into the camp, was Dragon Little, almost 6 years old and so much more independent and strong than the child she had been when I had met her almost four years ago.

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Dragon Little was almost six years old when Dragon Father was captured by the evil Big Bad Wolf and his lackeys.

Dragon Little and Dragon Father had separated in an attempt to slip past the Big Bad Wolf’s defenses in the forests and steal back the Ball of Light that he had stolen from Princess Red Riding Hood.

The Big Bad Wolf tied up Dragon Father and threw him in a ‘cell’ made out of powerful, long tree branches. The cell was hanging from the top of a tree just above the Big Bad Wolf’s camp.

I suspect that Dragon Father did not put up too big of a fight because his subconscious expected his daughter to come and save him.

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