All tagged brushing teeth

Suzy and I count the hours after Justin disappears. 

We’ve talked to Joy ahead of time about what’s going to happen next. 

After the initial shock of living in Justin’s dream, of having a granddaughter we never heard of, of going with her and Justin to visit other people’s dreams, of experiencing life-threatening adventures almost at every turn, Suzy started getting used to life here. 

One day, a couple of months ago, she started inquiring about the dates. Justin created a calendar for her to hang on the wall in the living room, and she’s been silently marking the days. 

Now it was time.

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I can see Justin waiting for the exact right second. 

It’s been a day for those in the waking world since the kids rode the flying elephants and since Justin decided it was time Joy somehow meet girls her age. 

Madelyn appeared first. She rolled down the ramp to the shore of the small island of our small suburban home. After a few nice hellos, we helped her off the wheelchair. On her two arms she went into the sea and began swimming. 

[Click on the title to read the entire diary entry!]

Madelyn and Amahle appear on the deck of Bonny’s Revenge within minutes of each other. Amahle is in Johannesburg, as usual. Madelyn is back home in France. She keeps telling me which city she’s in, but I can’t remember. I used to remember everything, but now…There are facts that escape me.

In any case, their time zones are one hour apart, and apparently they’ve fallen asleep around the same time.

I look through the window in our living room and see Madelyn and Amahle talking to each other. Madelyn is with her regular wheelchair, not her flying one.

Joy comes out of the cabin and they talk to her.

[Click on the title to read the entire diary entry!]

“Before we do anything, Joy has to brush her teeth,” Justin shows her the toothbrush and toothpaste that usually hang on the sabretooth’s teeth in her cabin. In his other hand he produces one of the many bottles of water made permanent on Bonny’s Revenge.

Joy, still groggy from sleep, makes a face, but takes the toothbrush.

“Zhoy sleeps in her, uh, clothes?” Madelyn says, forgetting for a moment a word in English then remembering it.

Joy looks around, confused, holding the toothbrush and the toothpaste in her hands.

“Joy, what’s the matter?” Charlie says.

“This is just… strange. How can I brush my teeth without a plank?”

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“First thing,” Suzy says sternly to Justin, who is leaning back on the railing, ready to be read the riot act.

“Yes, Mom.”

“We’re going to need toilet paper. We should never run out of toilet paper.”

“Good point,” he nods. He closes his eyes. “There’s a lot of toilet paper in their bathroom. Joy, when you get there, touch it.”

“Good!” Suzy says. “Now, does the girl ever wash her hands?”

“Of course!” Justin says.

“Where?” Suzy looks around the deck.

[Click on the title to read the entire diary entry!]

“Very mature, Dad!” Dragon Little came out of the cabin, complaining about the way Dragon Father woke her up by singing very badly. She was holding her toothbrush and toothpaste.

“I’m sorry,” Dragon Father came out immediately after her. “Is this going to be a thing, now?”

“What thing?”

“This ‘very matuuuuure, Daaaaad’ thing you’re doing? It’s like the fifth or sixth time you told me that in about two weeks. Are you hanging out with teenagers on the street or something? Did you pick this up from television? Are you fifteen?” All these three statements of course were impossible for Dragon Little: There were no teenagers in his dream, no streets, no television, and she was not yet and likely would never survive to fifteen.

[Click on the title to read the entire diary entry!]