‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

#266: Justin's Nightmares

It was still the same day. Dragon Father had disappeared early into his waking world. Mary and Dragon Little had begun to talk about dreams. Mary shared her dreams and nightmares and Dragon Little shared her belief that she did not dream or have nightmares. 

Mary had tucked Dragon Little in again, and 2-year-old Dragon Little was lying down, facing the wall and the window. 

Mary closed the curtain. “Good night, lass,” she said and my sharp dragon ears heard her walking towards the cabin door. 

“Does Dad dream, Mary?” 


“Does he dream night-rames?” 

“Of course he does. Everybody does. But he has never spoken to me about his dreams.” 

“Dad doesn’t dream,” Dragon Little said with certainty. 

“Everybody dreams.” 

“Dad doesn’t dream.” 

“Why do you think that, lass?” 

“Because Dad never sleeps.” 

There was a short silence before I heard Mary say, “Huh… It is true that I have never seen him sleep.” 

“See? Dad doesn’t dream. Dad doesn’t dream night-rames.” 

“Huh… Interesting…” 

“Toldja,” Dragon Little said happily and I heard her turn around in bed. 

Mary walked out of the cabin, thoughtful. 

—Told by The Red Dragon

#267: The Earth Destroyer, Part 1

#265: Mary's Nightmares