‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

#396: The Statues, Part 4: Showing Thanks

The alien invasion had been defeated by Dragon Little and Dragon Father. 

Dragon Little landed Bonny’s Revenge at the same spot outside the palace. 

Parts of the palace had been destroyed by the battle and the statue of Dragon Father and Dragon Little had been obliterated thanks to Dragon Little. 

“Thank you, thank you,” the king of Galaxy Planet ran to them once they came down again. “You have saved our lives again!” 

“I believe this time they won’t be back,” Dragon Father said. “They know we’ll always protect you.” 

“How can we show you our eternal thanks, my heroes? Another statue, perhaps? A bigger one?” 

Dragon Little opened her mouth to shout ‘No’, no doubt, but Dragon Father stopped her with a gesture. 

“I believe a statue may be too much,” he said. “How about… uh… a medal for each of us?” 

Dragon Little shook her head but was silent. 

“A medal is good,” Dragon Father said. 

Dragon Little shook her head. “Why do we need a medal,” she whispered. “This is what we do.” 

“It’s a medal,” Dragon Father whispered, “or a statue.” 

Dragon Little pursed her lips. “A medal is good,” she said. 

“A medal it is!” 

In a short ceremony, Dragon Father and Dragon Little were awarded medals. 

A short time later, while Dragon Little was on Bonny’s Revenge, Dragon Father disappeared into his waking world, as did Planet Galaxy. 

The medal Dragon Little wore disappeared as well, and never reappeared in the years I have spent with Dragon Little. 

—Told by The Red Dragon

#397: The News, Part 1: The Pirate Holiday

#395: The Statues, Part 3: The Decoy