‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

#371: Life and Death, Part 4: The Danger

As the huge goblin monster chased the goblin children, seeking to kill them as well, Dragon Little walked slowly towards the danger, dragging a rocket launcher almost as big as herself. 

“Close enough?” She yelled back to the forest, where Dragon Father hid, wounded and unable to participate in the fight. 

“Close enough!” 

Dragon Little put the rocket launcher on her shoulder and aimed it at the goblin. 

But she did not fire. 

“Joy! What are you doing? This is your opportunity! Do it!” 

She stood there, holding the giant rocket launcher, aimed at the monster’s body mass. 

But she did not fire.

“Dad!” she shouted. “Squashbucklers don’t kill! We don’t kill!” 

“Sometimes we have to kill!” he shouted. “Remember?” 

I knew what he was referring to. Just a few months ago, when General Hawk killed the Evil Fairy Forest King, Dragon Little was furious and claimed that killing ist wrong. Her father supported her but tried to plant the idea that sometimes they must kill certain villains. 

This, apparently, was the actual lesson. 

The goblin monster picked up a small goblin child 

“You have to do it or he’ll kill the kid!” Dragon Father yelled. 

She pursed her lips with determination, breathed deeply, and aimed again. 

The goblin monster brought the child close to his nose and sniffed. “Yummy!” he roared. 

“Joy now! Now!”

But Dragon Little did not fire.

The goblin monster opened his mouth to eat the child. 

Dragon Little lowered the rocket launcher. She would not fire it. 

“Hey, monster!” she yelled with all her strength. 

The goblin monster stopped in place and looked at her. 

“Why don’t you pick on someone who can fight back?!” she pointed at herself as she yelled. 

The goblin monster thought for a second. Then, dropping the goblin child on the ground, began to walk towards Dragon Little. 

“That’s right! That’s right!” with her fingers she motioned for him to come closer. “I’ll show you what happens to villains!” 

“Oh, boy,” Dragon Father whispered from behind the trees. 

The goblin monster towered over Dragon Little now, and…

Sigh. My broken soul gets tired easily, and I get emotional remembering this moment. I will gather myself and tell you what happened next, tomorrow.

—Told by The Red Dragon

#372: Life and Death, Part 5: The Goblin Monster Vs. Joy

#370: Life and Death, Part 3: The Goblin Monster