‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

#372: Life and Death, Part 5: The Goblin Monster Vs. Joy

The goblin monster came to stand within a meter of 5 and a half year-old Dragon Little. The monster towered over her, almost six times as high. Dragon Little was still holding the rocket launcher her father gave her, but she was just holding it, rather than aiming it, with her hand not on the trigger, as it pointed to the ground. 

Dragon Father was nervous. A second rocket launcher appeared in his hand. 

This was indeed his dream and he had seemed to create it to teach Dragon Little to kill villains. But she had not done what he expected, and I’m sure he felt, like me, that this adventure was now out of control. 

In my hiding place, I stood up, prepared to save Dragon Little. If the goblin monster attacked, I would not be fast enough. My only hope was that Dragon Father was enough in control of the dream to protect her in time. Until today, he almost always had been. But there ist always the time a dream gets out of your control because it ist not controlled by your conscious mind. 

The goblin monster growled at Dragon Little. 

“You!” Dragon Little yelled at him. “Don’t! Kill! Goblin! Kids!” 

The goblin monster growled more, then, began to turn around. 

“Hey!” Dragon Little yelled again. “Don’t ignore me!” 

The goblin monster turned at hearing her voice. 

With two hands, Dragon Little raised the rocket launcher as high as she could, as it pointed downwards, then slammed it on the goblin monster’s toe. 

“Arrrrrr!” The goblin monster roared. 

Then it looked down at her with anger in his face. 

“Shoot!” my sharp dragon ears heard Dragon Father whisper from the woods. 

The goblin monster raised his right foot high, ready to stomp down on Dragon Little. 

“Shoot shoot shoot!” Dragon Father whispered, aiming the rocket launcher at the goblin. 

“You just try!” Dragon Little yelled. 

The goblin monster brought his foot down faster than I thought possible for him! I gasped. 

“Joy!” Dragon Father yelled, dropping the rocket launcher. 

The only one who did not panic was Dragon Little. 

The edge of the foot landed only two centimeters next to her: A clear warning not to get involved. He had missed her on purpose. 

Now the goblin monster waved his hand dismissively, and walked back to the village. 

Dragon Father sighed with relief. “Jesus Christ!” he whispered. “You’re crazy, Joy!” 

He held his head. 

I could not believe her behavior as well. 

I need to recover before I tell you the rest of the story. 

—Told by The Red Dragon

#374: Life and Death, Part 7: Empathy

#371: Life and Death, Part 4: The Danger