‘The Squashbuckler Diaries’ are the daily tales of Joy Shelley’s Life in the Dream. The ‘Lost in Dreams’ books will tell the story of what happens to her at ages 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. The diaries tell us what happens before, after, and between the books.

#205: Killing Is Wrong, Part 2: Killing Is Right

Dragon Father joined Dragon Little on the deck of Bonny’s Revenge. He leaned against the railing, and put a hand around her shoulders. They stared off at the horizon of the endless ocean in silence for a minute or so. 

“He didn’t need to die,” she said through gritted teeth. 

“I know,” Dragon Father said softly. 

“I don’t need protection,” she said. 

“I know,” Dragon Father told her. I did not agree with her. Dragon Little was just a five year old human. As versed in adventure as she was, as adept at fighting as she will be, nothing will ever prepare her for the dangers outside her father’s dreams. Fortunately, I knew he did not believe what he said, for my sharp dragon ears had heard what he had whispered to General Hawk

“I hate it that he killed him.” 

“I know.” 

“Killing is wrong. It’s just wrong.”

“Sometimes we kill villains by mistake, right?” 

She nodded. “But it’s by mistake.”

“I know. And there was no reason to kill The Evil Fairy Forest King. There really wasn’t.” 

She nodded. 

They stared at the horizon in silence again. Wind blew through their hair. 

“I just remembered,” he said. “The day we caught Master Mind. Do you remember that?” 

She nodded. 

“He was so dangerous. He would have killed me and you and thousands of people on his planet. Remember?” 

She nodded again. 

“Joy, if you wouldn’t have drawn him a heart and put it in his chest, he would have killed everyone, right?” 

She nodded. 

“So I was thinking… Maybe… just maybe… sometimes killing a villain is necessary.” 

She didn’t nod. Her mouth tightened. 

“Sometimes.” Dragon Father said. 

They were silent again. 

“You don’t have to agree with me,” he continued softly and deliberately, “but do you understand what I mean?” 

She nodded. 

“Okay. Okay.” 

And they stared at the horizon for a long time.

—Told by The Red Dragon

#206: Killing Is Wrong, Part 3: Trembling

#204: Killing Is Wrong