All in Age: 5

“Where are we going?”

She asked as he helmed Bonny’s Revenge and took it out of the water.

“I’m not telling. It’s a surprise.”

“Where are we going?” she asked again a few seconds later.

“I’m still not telling. It’s a surprise.”

“I hate surprises! Tell me now!”

“Well, you’ll have to exercise your patience muscles, that’s what my mother always said. It’s good for you.”

“Dad, where are we going?” she asked almost immediately.

Dragon Father consistently refused to say and Dragon Little consistently refused to hear when he asked her to stop asking.

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Thank You the turtle brought Dragon Little and the small, wooden lifeboat to rest beside Bonny’s Revenge.

Dragon Little began to cry.

She jumped from the lifeboat to Thank You’s shell, then hugged him.

“It was so much fun that you came back, Thank You. So much fun!”

Thank You didn’t answer.

“But you can’t come back again. You can’t ever come back. Do you understand?”

Thank You looked at her.

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“Oh, so cool!” I heard what only sharp dragon’s ears could hear: a soft, muted gurgle that climbs through the water to its surface and then up, kilometers into the air and into my hiding place.

“Look at that!” I heard her say.

“Not so deep! Not so deep!” and then her voice was full of water.

The lifeboat floated upwards and she couldn’t contain it. Her voice was underwater for a second, then breathing air again. Her hands were tied to the ship, so she no doubt floated up with it, her legs not strong enough to cling to Thank You.

Within seconds, the boat buoyed up to the surface, still upside-down.

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When Dragon Little asked Thank You the turtle if he wanted to go on adventure with her, I was skeptical. ‘Adventure’ only happens when Dragon Father dreams it. When he ist gone, as he was now, villains, planets, locations do not just appear out of nowhere. When her father ist gone, Dragon Little can only ‘play’ in the emptiness he leaves behind.

But Dragon Little seemed confident.

“You wait for me right here, okay, Thank You?” she patted his back.

He nodded.

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The adventure was over. Dragon Father had vanished early in the adventure and never returned to finish it. Dragon Little was able to finish the adventure by herself and imprisoned the villain in the infinite prison in the belly of Bonny’s Revenge.

Dragon Little had parked Bonny’s Revenge back in Earth’s ocean and spent her time walking back and forth on the railing, keeping her balance.

Something bobbed up underneath her and she stopped to look.

It was a big sea turtle. He bobbed his head above water.

“Thank You!” Joy exclaimed. “Thank You! You’re back!”

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“Let’s see, let’s see, let’s see…” Dragon Father drawled slowly.

They were still sitting on the plank as Bonny’s Revenge rested calmly on the waveless ocean. Bother of them were looking out. Dragon Little was sitting between Dragon Father’s legs, on the edge of the plank.

Both seemed happy to sit there and let Dragon Father find nicknames for Dragon Little. He had just realized he had never given her one, and for a reason that seemed to come from his waking world, he thought it was important to give her one.

“Let’s see… I can’t find a shorter version of ‘Joy’, so… What do people call Joys?”

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For the third time since I had arrived to Dragon Little’s dream, it was Dragon Little’s birthday.

She was five years old now. She was growing. Inside of me an unease grew.

One day, I knew, she would find the way out of her father’s dreams. And who knows what waits for her right outside his dream? Those who are searching for her, those who would destroy her life, might just be outside, searching, always searching.

Dragon Father, however, did not at all seem to be worried. He was happy this day, happy to not go on adventure, happy to sit on the plank and watch the ocean waves, happy and smiling.

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Dragon Little was five years old when she freed a goblin.

As Dragon Father had told her in the beginning of their adventure, bad things have been happening in the Land of the Goblins. Evil tyrants have taken over. They killed male and female goblins that they felt threatened their rule, and put their children in prison.

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Dragon Little was five years old, when she stepped out of her cabin, shortly after being woken up, went to Dragon Father and said, “Dad, something’s wrong with my tooth.”

“Huh?” He turned around. It was one of his calmer mornings, where he would just lean on railing and look at the horizon silently.

“Look,” she opened her mouth and showed him one of her front teeth. “This one.”

“Does it hurt?”

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Dragon Father parked a few meters above the ground.

“We have to prepare for a big battle, Joy,” Dragon Father told her, jumping off Bonny’s Revenge.

Dragon Little who was never able to make jumps or flip-flops in the air like her father, climbed down the rope ladder.

They made their way in, past the wooden sign ‘Ye Olde Weapons Shoppe’, and out of my eyesight.

My sharp dragon ears still heard everything that happened.

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“Oh, my god, look how much you’ve grown!” Dragon Father had just woken Dragon Little up, and was shocked as soon as she came out of her cabin. “Did you have a spurt over one night?” he said. “Come here.”

She was only five years old, and, half smiling, she came over to stand in front him.

“Stand tall, head forward,” he said.

She stood straight, but looked up.

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It was towards the end of their adventure of the day. Dragon Father and Dragon Little had been separated and now Dragon Father was in a rocky maze in the middle of the desert and Mole Men that had sprung from the rock itself began to surround him.

Dragon Little swooped in from above. She was almost five years old, a small child, but experienced in adventure and pretty good at helming Bonny’s Revenge, their flying pirate ship.

Dragon Father held up his hand and grabbed the rope ladder she had swung over the railing.

“Hold on to your butt, Dad!” She yelled at him.

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It is time I told you how the Evil Fairy Forest King died. I have told you of the events that led to his death. I have told you how his behavior affected the 5-year-old Dragon Little. And I have told you how she discovered his body. 

But it is something I should relate. Because you need to know what happens in the belly of Bonny’s Revenge

The prisoners in the Infinite Prison are all villains captured by Dragon Little and Dragon Father during their adventures. When Dragon Father is away, in his waking world, the villains become Dragon Little’s companions. 

What does that mean? You will see. 

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Dragon Father joined Dragon Little on the deck of Bonny’s Revenge, leaning against the railing, and put a hand around her shoulders. They stared off at the horizon of the endless ocean in silence for a minute or so. 

“He didn’t need to die,” she said through gritted teeth. 

“I know,” Dragon Father said softly. 

“I don’t need protection,” she said. 

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Dragon Little came out of her cabin, looked at the ocean around her, turned and entered the door next to her cabin, the one leading down to Infinite Prison at the belly of Bonny’s Revenge

I heard her shout, not scream. I cannot see from my hiding place into the Infinite Prison, but I knew what she saw, for I had heard what had come before, and I heard his gurgling. 

Inside his locked cell, the Evil Fairy Forest King lay on his back, a big, burnt feather stuck deep into his neck. He was still moving, gurgling, and barely breathing.  

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As usual, she went down to the Infinite Prison in the belly of the ship to talk to some villains that have become her friends. As she walked, I heard the Evil Fairy Forest King whisper at her with his grating voice, “Ah, your father tried to teach you leadership, did he?” 

“King…” I heard General Hawk’s voice rise menacingly. Only a few days ago did he threaten the Evil Fairy Forest King for successfully planting self-doubt in Dragon Little’s mind

The evil king ignored the faraway threat. “I only say that he seems to prepare you to lead. That is good.”

“King… Shut your mouth!” General Hawk’s voice grew fierce. 

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The dream ist quiet when there ist no dreamer in it. Bonny’s Revenge, the pirate ship that serves as home for Dragon Father and Dragon Little, sailed silently and slowly on the waveless ocean. But in the belly of the ship, in the Infinite Corridor which serves as prison for the villains Dragon Little and Dragon Father capture, the villains who stay behind even when the dreamer who created them wakes up - those villains remain awake. Almost none of them sleep. 

They rarely talk among themselves, but this time they did. 

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