All in Age: 5

There are so many things I have told you about Joy Shelley, the little human girl I lovingly called ‘Dragon Little’. I do look at her as the daughter I could never have. 

There are so many things to tell that I fear there will never be enough time to tell them all. 

And yet, as much as she amazes me every day of her life, she ist human and bad things can happen to her when villains are involved. 

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They had taken Bonny’s Revenge, their pirate ship that could fly the skies and space itself, to the Planet of Nanotechnology. They had heard that the evil Nanotech King was living in the highest tower on the planet. 

Now that they were searched the planet, they found that there were two highest towers, one next to the other, each identical, except that one was blue and one was red. 

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“So, Joy, say we’re on adventure, yeah?” He sat on the plank and she, only five years old, sat on his lap. She nodded. 

“Say you’re alone because I’m chasing a villain, yeah?” 

She nodded. 

“And you’re chasing two villains. One goes this way, one goes this way, yeah?” 

She nodded again. 

“Which one do you chase?”

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She did, however, raise her eyebrows at the last thing he said. “What’s a leader?” 

“A leader. It’s someone who… leads…” 

She shook her head. He continued, “Someone who tells everyone else what to do… but not in a bossy way…” she shook her head, “...a commander… someone who knows what to do… who makes sure we win... “ she shook her head harder and harder and Dragon Father was growing more desperate, “... Someone who has a team, and who trusts the team, and the team trusts him. I mean, her. Or him.” 

“So… a team?” 


She looked around. “What team?” 

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“We’re not fighting bad guys today!” Dragon Father announced to Dragon Little during breakfast. Dragon Little was five years old at the time. “Today, we have a fun day!” 

And they did. Dragon Little and Dragon Father bounced on the trampoline stairs for hours: up to the sky, then back down. 

They went to the fair in the clouds and ate ice cream. 

They took Bonny’s Revenge to race against other flying pirate ships and won. 

And towards the end of the day they parachuted from one of the cities in the skies.

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Once again, Dragon Father disappeared in the middle of an adventure and did not return. He had gone back to the waking world, and Dragon Little, now five years old, the toughest and cutest human I have ever met in my long life, was stranded on the planet of Big Boss Planet. 

Big Boss Lawyer’s minions captured her and brought her to their leader. 

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It was the second time in three years that Dragon Father had the idea of making Dragon Little, his little Joy, put on a dress. The first time, when she had been two years old, did not go well. I have told you of this earlier.

A dress appeared in Dragon Father’s hand while Dragon Little ate her breakfast.

“That does not look comfortable,” she said.

“It’s very comfortable,” he assured her.

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“You look like my shadow!” Dragon Little told her father.

“Huh?” He turned around.

This was at a time when Dragon Little was only five years old. Dragon Father allowed her to pilot Bonnie’s Revenge, their pirate ship, to fly in the sky and try different tricks.

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“There’s a magical wand in your hair!”

Dragon Father had finally decided that enough was enough, and that Dragon Little’s hair had to get a good wash, shampoo, and combed. It’s been weeks since Dragon Little’s hair has touched water, since Dragon Father trusted her when she said she did it. Now that he forced her to do it, he dug out a wand out of her hair. 

Dragon Little looked at the wand in surprise.

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“Shush! Shush!” Dragon Little waved him away. Then, suddenly, she turned to face him. “Yes! I’l make a wish!”

“Three wishes?” The genie begged hopefully. 

“Three wishes. Then what happens?”

“Then I’ll be free. I’ll be released. I’ll be back to my real life before I was cursed with being a genie in a lamp.”

Dragon Little nodded. 


He tensed his body. 

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“I am called the Genie in the Lamp. I have a name, but it is too complicated for you to pronounce.”

Dragon Little pointed at old, golden lamp the genie was holding. “I remember that lamp! We rescued it as part of the treasure the pirates stole! It was yours?” 

“Yes. I was in it, and now you freed me from its prison. So now you get three wishes.”

She pursed her lips. “Three wishes?”

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Dragon Father sounded worried, “Oh, no. Do you remember what happened last time?” 

Dragon Little looked up at him, freezing in place. 

“The last time you did this, the Snot Eater came. I think every time someone picks her nose, his little pieces in the ocean come back together. After a few times, he’ll be back, and he might take you again.”

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There were sounds of things being moved around, things being opened and closed. “Look, a special candy, just for you. It’s a gum made out of snot. Here. Try it. It is the best!”

“If you’re trying to poison me, my daddy will--”

“Bah, it isn’t poison, it’s candy! Here, I’ll take one, too! Come on! Your daddy will never know. Come on!”

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I sometimes think about how different Dragon Little’s life is from the lives of all other little girls. She is an ordinary girl, after all, like all others, cursed with being born in the Dream for a reason she does not know. And I think… What do other girls who were not born in the dream do during the day?

I do not know for all I have seen are dreams. Is Dragon Little’s life on a pirate ship battling villains with her father - is that how children spend their time? I think not. The few I have seen in my long life have rarely dreamed about such things.

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