The Lost In Dreams Universe

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#347: The Experiment

Dragon Little ist usually asleep when Dragon Father appears on the deck of Bonny’s Revenge. After a full day of adventure, she has the world to herself, and usually goes to sleep only when she recognizes that she ist very tired. 

And so Dragon Father ist usually the one who wakes her up. Usually by annoying her, but I have told you of this in the past. 

On this day, Dragon Little woke up early and with a gasp. 

She immediately jumped out of bed and ran out of her cabin. She looked around, clearly searching for her father. 

She looked up. Most of the stars were gone from the sky.

She relaxed, no doubt certain now that her father had not yet appeared. 

A mischievous smile appeared on Dragon Little’s face. “Heh heh heh!” she cackled like a few of the villains in their adventures. 

She went into her cabin, and returned with a small bottle of water - the type that Dragon Father leaves her every day. 

I adjusted my position in my hiding place. I have never seen such a mischievous child or adult. And I have never seen someone as curious as her.

She put the bottle on the deck and ran to her cabin. 

She peeked out of the cabin’s open door and cackled again. 

I must admit it took me a few minutes, while she was waiting in her cabin and peeking, to understand what she had done: She had put the bottle in the exact position where Dragon Father appeared every day. 

Every day, after all, when Dragon Father returns to the dream, he appears on the same spot on Bonny’s Revenge’s deck. Always at the same spot. Always looking in the same direction. 

That spot was always empty. But now… There was a bottle of water in it. 


I have seen other dreams in my centuries of life, many other dreamers, but I have never seen a dreamer appear on top of something that was already there.


As Dragon Little watched from her cabin, I watched from my hiding place with perhaps the same intensity. 

We needed to wait a bit less than an hour. 

And then he appeared. 

Dragon Father appeared on the same spot in a split second, and at that split second, the bottle of water flew with great velocity sideways, as if it was shot by a cannon. It hit the wall of Dragon Little’s cabin and broke in an explosion of water in the direction from which it came. 

The water drenched Dragon Father. 

Dragon Little screamed in delight. 

Dragon father shouted in anger. “JOY! WHAT DID YOU DO!!!”

—Told by The Red Dragon