All in Told by The Red Dragon

We knew we were being led into a trap.

I flew low, following my fake father, a robot made to look like a dragon. Dragon Father, riding on top of me, seemed calm rather than tense. It was his adventure. He had created it in his subconscious. This ist what he had wanted. This ist what he enjoyed.

My fake father looked back and motioned at a volcano ahead of us.

He flew up, then coasted down, gliding into a dark cave entrance at the bottom of that volcano.

For a second, I hesitated. I remembered that sometimes when Dragon Father knows I am part of the adventure, he creates weapons that can cause me great harm, in order to make things harder for me.

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“Tell us where they took all the dragons,” Dragon Father said. “It must be a big place.”

“It is not far,” my fake father said. “Two minutes’ flight in that direction will lead us to an island with another volcano. Underneath that volcano is a cavern big enough to hold a thousand dragons. Our enemies have taken all the dragons there!”

Dragon Father shook his head. “Oh no! Then we have to go!”

I smiled inwardly. Dragon Father was clearly acting and acting badly.

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“My daughter,” the so-called dragon who was my so-called father said to me. “I have missed you!”

I nodded, keeping it to myself what I now knew about this dragon.

“Look!” Dragon Little pointed at Dragon Father. “Dragon Father!” Then she pointed at the elderly fake dragon, “Dragon Father!” She pointed from one to the other as she said: “Dragon Father, Dragon Father, Dragon Father, Dragon Father!”

Dragon Little laughed. Dragon Father laughed. I did not laugh.

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“Who are you?” The older dragon said to Dragon Little. “Are you a friend of my daughter?”

I looked at them, my mind still in wild disarray, refusing to accept what I was seeing.

Dragon Little was walking towards him.

“We’re best friends!”

Dragon Little was getting closer to the older dragon, when I understood what was about to happen.

“Nooo!” I roared fire at the space between the dragon and Dragon Little.

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I landed in the dark entrance to the cave at the top of the volcano. Here, Dragon Father claimed my father was waiting for me.

I lowered my head and Dragon Little and Dragon Father jumped to the ground.

The entrance was big enough for me to walk through, but it was dark and bended inside so that we could not see the inside.

I had joined their adventure without asking because I needed to make sure that Dragon Father did not teach Dragon Little false things about dragons. Dragons were not creatures of his dream and if he convinced her otherwise, then when the day came and she left her father’s dream, when the day came and she met my former enslavers, she would be equipped with the wrong knowledge.

It was my task to teach her the truth about dragons. Well.. some of it. At least at this young age.

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“There are no dragons on the planet,” I told Dragon Little and Dragon Father once Dragon Little calmed down.

“Ooh, I know!” Dragon Father exclaimed. “They are all off on a mission! We should join them!”

I shook my head somberly, determined to teach Dragon Little about the harsh life that awaits her outside this dream, the harsh life she will eventually be faced with when she finds the way out of her father’s dream.

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I made sure I approached the planet from behind them.

I entered the atmosphere and spread my wings. From this point on I would glide silently. They will not hear me come.

I glided closer and closer.

Dragon Little stopped to ask Dragon Father for water, turning to talk to him. For a moment I was afraid she would spot me coming towards her.

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“There it is!” Dragon Father stopped the silly story he was telling Dragon Little about me as a planet appeared in space in front of Bonny’s Revenge.

“Dragon Planet ahoy!” Dragon Little ran to the very front of the bow and looked down. “It’s so beautiful!”

I was surprised by the fact that Dragon Father succeeded in summoning a dragon planet at all. Last time he tried it, it ended in failure.

I stood up in my hiding place. Will he be able to summon a dragon in his dream? He won’t! It’s impossible! But how did he summon a dragon planet?

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“Let me tell you something you never knew about Red,” Dragon Father told his daughter with a big smile on his face.

He was still helming Bonny’s Revenge as they headed for the ‘dragon home planet’.

Dragon Little pinned her stare to Dragon Father. I listened quite intently, as well. I wondered what he would invent and whether it would hurt me or amuse me.

“Did you know…” Dragon Father’s tone became conspiratorial. “That Red wanted to be a pirate when she was young?”

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“Where’s the dragon home planet?” Dragon Little asked.

Dragon Father and Dragon Little stood at the wheel of Bonny’s Revenge as Dragon Father piloted the ship. Bonny’s Revenge began to rise out of earth’s ocean water.

“Oh, far far far away. So far away that we’d never been. That’s why we’ve never been there.”

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“I believe this time they won’t be back,” Dragon Father said. “They know we’ll always protect you.”

“How can we show you our eternal thanks, my heroes? Another statue, perhaps? A bigger one?”

Dragon Little opened her mouth to shout ‘No’, no doubt, but Dragon Father stopped her with a gesture.

“I believe a statue may be too much,” he said. “How about… uh… a medal for each of us?”

Dragon Little shook her head but was silent.

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Dragon Little and Dragon Father ran to Bonny’s Revenge and ran up the ramp. Dragon Little continued to run towards the wheel, while Dragon Father raised the ramp.

All around, the soldiers that were part of the presentation of the giant statue of Dragon Father and Dragon Little were scattering. The king of Planet Galaxy was nowhere to be seen.

Laser shots came from the sky as the invaders’ ships entered the atmosphere.

By the time Dragon Little made Bonny’s Revenge rise and move, there were no soldiers to be seen.

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“Well, I, uh, I don’t know what to say,” Dragon Father began. “I, uh, never had a statue made of me. It’s…”

“It’s scary!” Dragon Little stated simply. “That’s more scary than monsters!”

Dragon Little leapt into action. She took her sword and ran towards the statue.

Dragon Father caught her before she reached it. He lifted her up and held her in his arms. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s disrespectful to try and destroy the statue they built of us.”

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“Oh, my,” Dragon Father said as soon as Dragon Little finished brushing her teeth and her breakfast. “I’ve just been asked to go back to Planet Galaxy.”

Dragon Little’ brows furrowed. “Are they having more troubles with ninjas?”

“Not really,” he sounded as if he was concerned “They said there’s no trouble but they really wanted us to come.”


“What are you thinking, Joy?” I recognized that tone. He sounded serious. But this was his parenting tone. He was giving her room as if she was his equal and he was doing it on purpose.

“Could be a trap!” she said with importance.

“Yes!” he pointed at her. “I think you’re right! We’ll prepare just in case!”

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“Very mature, Dad!” Dragon Little came out of the cabin, complaining about the way Dragon Father woke her up by singing very badly. She was holding her toothbrush and toothpaste.

“I’m sorry,” Dragon Father came out immediately after her. “Is this going to be a thing, now?”

“What thing?”

“This ‘very matuuuuure, Daaaaad’ thing you’re doing? It’s like the fifth or sixth time you told me that in about two weeks. Are you hanging out with teenagers on the street or something? Did you pick this up from television? Are you fifteen?” All these three statements of course were impossible for Dragon Little: There were no teenagers in his dream, no streets, no television, and she was not yet and likely would never survive to fifteen.

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“Planet ahoy!” Dragon Father yelled.

This was a few months before Dragon Little’s sixth birthday. Dragon Father was at the wheel of Bonny’s Revenge, flying towards their next adventure.

Dragon Little took her favorite sword and laser pistol from the weapons cabinet and put the sword in its scabbard and the pistol in its holster around her belt.

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It happened during the middle of a fight with the Blustering Pirates.

Towards the end of a fun adventure, Dragon Father and Dragon Little caught up with the Blustering Pirates on their pirate ship.

Dragon Father and Dragon Little landed in the middle of the pirates’ deck, taking out their captain.

A dozen pirates began to attack. Dragon Little defended herself with a small sword in one hand and a laser pistol in the other. Dragon Father fought with a sword in each hand.

Usually, Dragon Father would attack the pirates with might, but this time he satisfied himself by slapping defeated pirates on their bottoms with the blunt side of his sword, and yelling, “Huzzah!” each time.

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Dragon Father appeared on the deck of Bonny’s Revenge while Dragon Little was still asleep in the Infinite Prison, held gently by General Hawk.

“Joy! Joy!” Dragon Father called out after seeing Dragon Little was not in her cabin.

A quick search revealing nothing sent him down to the winding stairway into the infinite corridor and out of my eyesight.

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