All in Age: 3.5

There was silence for a long moment on the floor of the biggest bank in the galaxy.

Dragon Father had just confessed to being a villain and doing something awful to his former friend, who had trapped him now in the bank.

Three and a half year old Dragon Little stared at her father in disbelief. They had been fighting villains all her life. She had always seen him as the hero. And now he was a villain.

Then Dragon Little began to laugh. “You’re very funny, Dad!”

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Dragon Father sat on the floor of the largest bank in the galaxy, nursing his legs stretched out before him as if they hurt and couldn’t move.

When he told Dragon Little of the accident, just a few minutes ago, I believed that perhaps in his waking world, perhaps he cannot even walk. Perhaps he ist a human with no logs or legs that do not function. I have seen a few of those. In their dreams, some of them could walk and run and jump.

Ist that why he constantly dreams of adventure, doing flips in the air, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, and swinging from ropes?

With great pain, Dragon Father continued to speak.

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The figure looked at Dragon Father, still on the ground, still holding his legs in pain.

Dragon Little looked at Dragon Father, horrified at the last thing he had said.

“Tell them,” said the figure. “Tell them who I am.”

Dragon Father looked down at the ground for quite a while.

Then, in a soft almost tear-filled voice, said, “Joy.. this happened before you were born.”

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Dragon Father and Dragon Little arrived at the largest bank in the galaxy on a faraway planet.

“The King of the Galaxy is inside,” said Dragon Father told his daughter.

She nodded and took a step forward.

When he didn’t follow her, she looked back at him.

“Come on,” she grabbed his hand and began walking again.

He didn’t budge.

“I don’t think we should take this one,” he said.

I have never seen him this nervous before an adventure. At the time I couldn’t understand why. This was his dream, after all, his desires. Whatever he wants ist the thing that happens. At least the way I understand it. But I am not a dreamer.

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The adventures Dragon Father summons up may always have different villains, take place on different planets, and their tasks in the adventures are always different as well - but the adventures are more or less the same.

But sometimes - very rarely - Dragon Father’s adventures are completely different.

One of those times was when Dragon Little was still less than four years old.

The morning began as usual.

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Captain Badass’ ship headed towards the unprotected Bonny’s Revenge.

Captain Badass clearly knew that Dragon Little was asleep and that Dragon Father, his hated foe, had disappeared and would not return for hours.

Just as his ship approached Bonny’s Revenge I descended in front of it, blocking its path.

Captain Badass stopped his ship.

“God damn dragon,” he yelled at me, taking a few steps forward, his wooden peg leg moving awkwardly. “Your master isn’t here! Go away!”

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I will tell you what happened one day, when Dragon Little slept.

It had been a full day’s adventure for Dragon Little and Dragon Father. The villains were defeated and put in the infinite prison in the belly of Bonny’s Revenge. Dragon Father disappeared after tucking Dragon Little in, and Dragon Little slept soundly.

I watched, as always, from my hiding place high above, listening with my sharp dragons ears, watching Dragon Father’s dream, and licking my emotional wounds from centuries of torture and slavery.

Then something moved.

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I had just rescued Dragon Little without her knowing it was me from being captured by Captain Badass.

Dragon Father had disappeared not long ago after a full day of adventure, which meant that he would only return to his dream in sixteen or seventeen hours. If I were Dragon Little, now back aboard Bonny’s Revenge, outnumbered and without my father, I would run and hide using my faster ship.

But that ist not what Dragon Little did.

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But then I saw something.

Dragon Little noticed it before me, and I followed her gaze.

A familiar flying pirate ship emerged from behind the moon, and flew towards Dragon Little.

I perked up, ready to perhaps take action.

It was the pirate ship of Captain Badass, the one villain who was ever able to escape the Infinite Prison, and escape it repeatedly.

Dragon Father was gone for the next sixteen or seventeen hours. She would be unprotected… except for me.

I stood up in my hiding place… but I waited.

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“Okay. Climb.” Dragon Father ordered Dragon Little.

They both stood near the mast of Bonny’s Revenge. At the end of the day’s adventure, Dragon Father had promised to show Dragon Little something “really cool”. They had then flown up in Bonny’s Revenge to outer space, and Dragon Father stopped the ship between Earth and the moon.

Dragon Father pointed up, and Dragon Little climbed the mast.

“Great! Now into the crow’s nest!”

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Dragon Father led the handcuffed Galactic Emperor through the corridors of the Earth Destroyer ship, walking on top of the strewn bodies of the galactic fleet that he and Dragon Little had defeated in the previous few hours.

“Joy! Joy!”

Dragon Little had left the ship, saying she will hate her father forever, because he had not allowed her to participate in the final battle.

He could not find Dragon Little.

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Now they had broken into the bridge, and the Evil Galactic Emperor stood in front of them, two swords in hand, ready to fight.

“Stand aside, Joy,” Dragon Father unsheathed two swords, one with each hand. “I’ll take care of this.”

“You did it the last time!” Dragon Little said. “My turn.”

“I am a galactic ninja,” the Emperor said. “Stand aside, girl, and let the grownups fight!”

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Dragon Father and Dragon Little boarded the alien ship as it headed towards Earth with enough weapons to destroy it many times over.

To do that, they had to battle their way past their entire military in the corridors of the ship. They were armed with a sword in one hand and a laser pistol in another.

The top of the spaceship was transparent and aimed at the suns in order to get its energies. That way I was able to see the battle from my hidden vantage point.

Dragon Little was only three and a half years old, but she got many shots in, hiding behind the turn of a corridor, then, when getting the signal from her father, looking past and shooting.

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Dragon Father disappeared in the middle of a swashbuckling battle with Captain Badass and his pirates.

Bonny’s Revenge and Captain Badass’ ship hung in the air just outside a cloud city, and his entire crew had leapt onto Bonny’s Revenge. Only three minutes into the battle, Dragon Father disappeared (having woken up). With him disappeared the cloud city as well as all of Captain Badass’ pirates.

But he, as almost all top villains do, remained behind.

And Dragon Little, only three-and-a-half years old, stood in front of him, metal sword in hand.

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When Dragon Little was only three and a half years old, one day Dragon Father’s dream brought the two of them to the peak of the Himalaya Mountains, in search of the Golden Key.

The top of the mountain was small and there was almost no room to stand. Snow was everywhere on the ground, and now it had begun to fall as well.

At the peak, a long plank had been embedded into the rock, stretching out five meters away above a sheer drop. At its very edge, the Golden Key lay inside a hook.

“Okay,” Dragon Father took off the bag on his back and started looking inside it. “I’m going to search my bag for a long rope. I think I brought one…” he raised his eyes for a second, and his breath stopped.

Dragon Little was already on the plank, which was slightly more narrow than her small legs. She had already taken a few steps.

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“Ecccccchhhhhhh” Dragon Little was choking.

Dragon Father and Dragon Little were at the helm of the Bonny’s Revenge, with Dragon Father holding the wheel as they were flying between the stars.

Dragon Father looked at her, worried.

She looked back and laughed.

Dragon Father nodded.

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Dragon Little was three and a half years old when, in the middle of an adventure, Dragon Father and her saw four unicorns.

“Aw, look at that, look at that!” Dragon Father stopped her and crouched down, motioning her to crouch down as well.

They were in the middle of a small field of high grass in a magical forest, chasing down an evil wizard, when Dragon Father noticed them.

“See? Over there? That’s a unicorn. They’re so rare!”

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